VH: This message ('Dataset not found' appeared when clicking through to a dataset listed in a collection that has been removed by a custodian- however this message isn’t clear that’s what has happened and also the dataset is still appearing in the collection ‘browse’ section.
SV: We need to confirm whether the dataset is added with a version ID or PID. If the former, I think the fix should be to use PIDs. Collections are not pegged a particular version, but could be, so if a user navigates to the version added in a collection then the default datset page what shows that there is newer version applies.
It is not clear what we should do if a dataset was deleted fully, i.e. including all versions. Should we automatically delete it from the collection without the creator’s knowledge or provide a notification to the collection owner that a dataset has been deleted or both
Or further should the dataset just be kept, but flagged as deleted?